Thursday, May 16, 2013

Losing Weight can help with TMJD

Temporomandibular  Joint Disorder- TMJD

*  Chronic TMJD does not correlate w/ low socioeconomic status.  This finding is in stark contrast to trends seen in other chronic pain conditions.

*  Chronic TMJD seems to be associated w/ alterations in some parts of the nervous system that control pain perception. 

*  Genetic variability contributes to chronic TMJD.  This includes several genes known to influence stress response, psychological well being and inflammation.
TMJD patients frequently experienced many more chronic pain conditions, such as lower back pain, headaches, and fibromyalgia.  Evidence of abnormal jaw function associated with teeth grinding and clenching was also observed.

Losing weight improves the diabetic status and helps in the response to periodontal therapy.  One theory is that excessive fat cells secrete more cytokines, which make insulin less functional and lead to hyperglycemia.  Losing weight improves the diabetic status and helps in the response to periodontal therapy.  A second theory pertains to leptin hormone, which regulates appetite.  Leptin is involved in regulating metabolism and has been associated with C-reactive protein.

Dr. Caroline Wallace DDC
Complete Dental Care
103 South Carolina Street
Salem, Virginia, 24153